Podcasts are great. A few good ones on the app Stitcher are TED Radio Hour, Serial, The Moth Podcast, and NPR:News. Aside from interesting information, ideas, and perspectives, you can hear a variety of speech styles. Most of them are exemplary of clear speech. Articulate and easy to follow.

If you are an international speaker of English who is driven to improve his or her global English speech clarity, or English pronunciation, it’s not enough to simply listen. Regular active and targeted pronunciation practice is key.

The most steady progress I’ve heard has been with clients who practice via recording/self-monitoring for a minimum of 10-15 minutes per day. Applying specific speech features into spontaneous speech can be difficult to sustain. After all, your brain is paying attention to both the information you are communicating and the cues you are receiving from your listeners—their body language in person or their voices over the telephone. Regular practice not only helps you get in the habit of flipping the speaking switch, but also helps you work towards sustaining this modified speech in real-time speech. 

Two recommended practice routines:

Routine #1

·      Review a specific feature (e.g., lengthening the stressed syllable sound).

·      Choose a short paragraph of text and underline the key words, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

·      Practice reading this paragraph out loud very slowly and carefully. Concentrate on the specific feature (e.g., lengthening the stressed syllable sounds of the key words).

·      Summarize the paragraph in your own words and record your summary.

·      Monitor your speech by focusing on the specific feature.

·      Re-record on the same topic.

·      Monitor your speech again.

Routine #2

·      Review a specific feature (e.g., lengthening the stressed syllable sound).

·      Record yourself speaking about a topic (your day, a meeting, a presentation topic, etc.).

·      Monitor your speech by focusing on the specific feature.

·      Re-record on the same topic.

·      Monitor your speech again.

How about a combination of these routines? Daily is what’s critical.

Need some help with your routine—a boost of sorts 

Join one of our online or Chicago Loop programs this April. Both programs will include guidance, practice opportunities, and ongoing feedback. 

Have a question or need a customized program, call Sarah at 312-561-5065 or email her at hello@communiclearglobal.com .

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