How often do you record your spoken English? This is a serious question because for me, recording your speech on a regular basis is key for developing a deliberate English-speaking skills practice routine if you want to bring your spoken English to the next level.

Let me ask you: When you speak English, are you generally monotone or do you speak with pitch variation? Not sure? Then go ahead and…


Grab a recording app.​


Think of a key term in your industry that you can define in 30-seconds to 1-minute. If you’re in the pharmaceutical industry, perhaps explain biosimilarity; in legal, perhaps merger; in financial, perhaps actuary. What’s your key term?


Record yourself defining this term.


Listen and pay attention to the pitch variation at the sentence level. Are you flat or monotone? Is there pitch variation?

Clear Speech Quick Tip # 6 (of a 6-part series): Vary Your Pitch

Vary your pitch at the sentence level. This helps to keep your audience engaged. In addition, when it comes to linguistics, varying your pitch at the sentence level,…

Want to Watch All 6 Clear Speech Quick Tip Videos?

Fill out the form below to immediately access all 6 Clear Speech Quick Tip videos. These are a great starting point when it comes to learning how to adjust your spoken English. You’ll find these helpful if you…

  • Mumble when you speak English so that your audience tunes out.
  • Speak too quickly so that your audience continuously asks you to repeat yourself
  • Speak too quietly at the end of your sentences so that your audience struggles to process the information with ease?
  • Struggle with articulating the consonant sounds crisply enough so that you don’t sound too conversational in a more professional setting?
  • Are unsure about your English rhythm but want to learn more about this stress-patterned language.
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