10 Spoken-English Speech Features I Hope You Pay Attention to Daily

10 Spoken-English Speech Features I Hope You Pay Attention to Daily

It’s true. Paying regular active attention to how you’re speaking in English will help you to get in the habit of adjusting your spoken English a bit when someone asks you to repeat or clarify. You might be asking: Which spoken-English speech features...
Let me sell you a stereo sound system

Let me sell you a stereo sound system

Voice. It’s important and very personal. How you voice or articulate what you have to offer (your product, service, personality, information) is incredibly important. It needs to be received in the workplace for things to get done efficiently. The less effort...

Hands down, humming helps your spoken English!

I recently ran a program for a group of 18 adults from China over this past month. All of them had studied English for a number of years. They were fairly fluent and had a pretty good range of vocabulary under their belts. They are here in Chicago for a 3-month...